19 September 2010

Japanese universities do even worse with THES world rankings

In the new THES global rankings, Japan higher education only manages to place 5 universities in the top 200. No institution in Japan makes the top 10 or 20. Only one university makes the top 30--that is Toudai/University of Tokyo. No private universities placed. Kyoudai/Kyoto University's rank of 57 seems out of place because we are used to seeing Kyoudai as a top 30 institution in the old THES-QS tables. These results are even more disappointing than the QS results summarized and posted here last week. Also, China has placed SIX institutions in the top 200--a result that will be interpreted as China overtaking Japan in still yet another area. On the other hand, the top university in China, Beijing University, has yet to crack the top 30.

See the full list of 200 and total score at the link below. The excerpt after that shows only the Japanese universities that made it into the top 200.


26    University of Tokyo  

57    Kyoto University  

112    Tokyo Institute of Technology  

130    Osaka University

132    Tohoku University  

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